

...One year ago Peter Marti (cello) and Andreas Schumacher (guitar) joined to form a duo of exemplary musical harmony. This imaginative cooperation resulted in an extraordinary and delightful programme of chamber music that was presented bythe SMPV (Swiss association of music teachers).
...A sizable crowd allowed themselves to be carried away fromeveryday life by savouring the melodious emotions of this music.
...The combination with guitar gave the pieces a charming localcolour, while the cello adaptations met perfectly the melancholicand elegiac mood.
...In the suite populaire espanola by Manuel de Falla the fulltemperament of the ‘Spanish soul’ was displayed.

Schaffhauser Nachrichten

… It became a harmonic dialog between the guitar and the cello,
…, the duo, founded in 1996 and consisting of the two teachersSigune Lauffer (cello) and Andreas Schumacher (guitar), performedflawlessly and yet empathically six appealing, dance-like piecesranging from baroque to contemporary, leaving the audience with nomusical puzzles to solve.
...the cello playing was immaculate and sensitive, accompanied bythe rhythmically accentuating and at the same time cautiouslyreciprocating guitar.
...Next came a Sonata by R Gnattali that the duo spirited withrestrained passion. The full bodied sound of the Spanish DanceNo.5 by Enrique Granados was complemented by the finedetailing the duo demonstrated to a dazzled audience.

Generalanzeiger Bad Urach

....Andreas Schumacher and Hans-Jörg Langner, ..., the duo's harmonyand musicality matching perfectly, …
...“Valses poeticos” by Enrique Granados, originally composed for thepiano, brought the songlike and lyrical sounds of Andalusia to thechurch hall, with the Spanish solo piece demonstrating once againAndreas Schumacher's artistry and dexterity.
...Playing purely contemporary composers, such as LarryCooperman (Hans-Jörg Langner´s solo a blazing display of bravura), Edmundo Vasques and Carlo Domeniconi,
… that October evening one felt lured to the warmth of the South.

Freiburger Lokalpresse